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Behaviour Principles


The Department for Education requires governing bodies of maintained schools to publish a statement of behaviour principles for their school. The Governing Body therefore has a duty to produce, and review, a written statement of general principles to guide the Headteacher in determining measures to promote good behaviour and discipline amongst pupils. The document ‘Behaviour and Discipline in Schools – Guidance for Governing Bodies’ (DFE - July 2013) has been used as a reference in producing this Statement of Behaviour Principles.

This statement and the behaviour policy will be reviewed on a three yearly basis, unless changes at national or local level necessitate an exceptional review. This statement is informed by our Aims and Value Statements:

This is a statement of principles not practice. It is intended that this set of principles reflects the school values, Vision and ethos and is utilised to guide the Headteacher in drawing up the whole school behaviour policy.

There is an expectation that policy and the actions within it, be in accordance with the school responsibilities under equality legislation.


The purpose of our behaviour policy is to illustrate that we have adopted a behaviour focussed curriculum. Our behaviour curriculum provides all stakeholders of Harcourt Primary School with an appropriate code of conduct, which encourages our school to internalise a set of key values. In response, our children become happy, successful and able to serve our community positively. 

This policy should be read in conjunction with our Safeguarding (Child Protection) Policy and relevant Department for Education Statutory and Non-statutory guidance. 

Aims and Values

Our main aim is to provide quality experiences in all aspects of school life so that all child can learn both academically and socially.

We aim to create a warm and welcoming environment that cultivates a respect for the rights and needs of children and adults, irrespective of culture, race or gender.

We aim to be actively involved in the learning of our children. Therefore, we provide a range of broad, creative and balanced learning opportunities, which adhere to the National Curriculum. We use constructive feedback to signal when a child’s efforts are valued, which also avoids alienation and disaffection.

We aim to develop self-discipline and the ability to self-regulate the choices and decisions our children make.

We aim to maintain high aspirations and expectations of our children, in the anticipation of fostering independent, reflective and lifelong learners.

We aim to promote this through our whole school values:

  • Believe
  • Achieve
  • Respect.

Also through the key British values

  • Mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs
  • Democracy
  • Rule of Law
  • Individual Liberty

Key Principles

  • Every child has the right to learn, and no child has the right to disrupt the learning of others.
  • To encourage a calm, purposeful and happy atmosphere in the school
  • To foster positive, caring attitudes towards everyone, where achievements at all levels are valued
  • To encourage increasing independence and self-discipline so that each child learns to accept responsibility for their own behaviour
  • To ensure a whole school approach to discipline which is used by all staff in the school
  • To have a consistent approach throughout the school with parental co-operation and involvement to raise pupil self- esteem
  • To encourage our children to be law abiding and tolerate all
  • To ensure physical and emotional safety
  • To provide both a system of rewards to encourage good behaviour and also a system of sanctions which are applied consistently.