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Cedar Class

 Hello Cedar Class,

As we go into term 4,  we will be changing the way that you access your learning when working from home. From Monday 22nd February all of our Home Learning will be posted on a learning platform call Seesaw. This is a simple system that enables teachers to post videos and pre-recorded lessons for you to watch, set tasks and allow you to submit you work back to us.

You will be sent an email before the 22nd February containing your password and login for Seesaw. Please login to the account every day to access your online home learning. You can find a Seesaw tutorial for parents on the following link:

All your Home Learning will now be set through Seesaw, so we will no longer be uploading daily timetables or worksheets to the home learning pages on this website.

Should you require additional support with accessing or using Seesaw, please email your class email account and a member of staff will contact you.

We hope that this new approach to Home Learning is helpful and we look forward to having you back with us soon!